John Calvin Presbyterian Church is a traditional Presbyterian congregation. 

Our worship is reserved, but not somber.
Feel free to watch our worship livestream to get an idea of what to expect. Here are some answers to some questions that you might have.
What are your restrictions for COVID?
We are currently holding in-person worship, as well as a livestream on YouTube. You may wear a mask if you are more comfortable with it on.
What kind of music do you have in worship?
Most of our music is traditional hymns and classical musical pieces. However, we also incorporate more modern music from time to time.

We have a nursery available for infants and small children, but you are free to bring them into worship with you (we truly do not mind, we just want you to have a good experience). Children are welcome to come into worship with the special adults in their lives. During the service there will be a Children’s Sermon just for them Followed by Children’s church where the kids will study the same scripture you are learning about in “Big church”. PK -2nd Grade will go to Room 12 for their Children’s church lesson and 3rd – 5th Grade will go to the Art Ark Room upstairs in our fellowship Hall. They can be picked up at the classroom after the service.

Our worship service is structured around the Word of God. We begin by Gathering around the Word of God: we are called to worship, pray a prayer for the day, confess our sins together. This prayer of confession is a form prayer said together as a congregation. After gathering, we Listen to the Word; both in the reading of Scripture, and in proclamation in the sermon. During the School Year, we follow the Narrative Lectionary, which is a chronological journey through the Old and New Testaments. After the sermon, we Respond to the Word through Sacraments, prayer, affirmation of faith, hearing announcements, taking up an offering, and a closing hymn.

For in-person worship, you will get a bulletin; for virtual attendance you can see the bulletin online right on your screen. This will give you all you need: Words in bold are to be said by the congregation, words written in regular type are said by the pastor or lay leader. If you get lost or are not sure what is going on, someone will be happy to help you.
What should I wear?
You do not have to be dressed fancy, we do not have a dress code. We just want to see you.