Announcements 2-25-24
EASTER EGG HUNT: We are hoping to provide the community Easter Egg hunt again this year. However, before we start to advertise this event we would like to get our volunteers in place. We are looking for people to staff the craft tables (easy crafts no art skills needed), snack table, help with bunny pictures, and hide Easter Eggs. Please let Louise know ASAP if you are available to help on March 16th from 8:00 AM – 11:30 AM.
PROGRAM OF HOPE: Join us to make Sandwiches on Tuesday at 2:45 PM and to serve at POH on Wednesday at 8:00 AM. See Sue, Richard, or Sharon for more details.
TABLE CLOTH DINNER: Join us for the next tablecloth dinner on March 12th at 6:30 PM at Outback Steakhouse. Sign upp and let us know if you would like a ride.
MONTHLY FOOD PANTRY DONATION: Each month we are asking you to Donate one or two items to the food pantry. This month we are asking for Diapers of all sizes (both adult and child), feminine products, toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, and hair products.
BOOKS FOR BLACK HISTORY MONTH: As we enter black history month now is a great time to recommit ourselves to understanding and supporting the call for racial Justice and Healing. This month we will be recommending books that can help us on that journey. All books are available on the PCUSA store. Creating a Culture of Repair: Taking Action on the Road to Reparations BY Robert Turner. The inequality remains even after laws and policies have been corrected. Calculating and implementing financial reparations will require large-scale government action, which can feel out of reach or overwhelming for the average person. Robert Turner provides an accessible guide for individuals and groups wanting to influence significant institutional action while also acting on their own to repair the effects of racial injustice in our communities, churches, and spheres of influence. Dividing into categories of individual, social, institutional, and spiritual repair, Turner offers the longest list of reparations currently published, with more than one hundred actions readers can begin practicing and advocating for to help balance economic injustice, undo hurtful decisions from decades past, and rally public support for bold and principled legislation.
GOOD FRIDAY PRAYER VIGIL: We cannot experience the glory of Easter if we do not first experience the pain of Maundy Thursday, the loss of Good Friday, and the sadness of Holy Saturday. Setting aside a specific time in church to wait and pray with Jesus, to reflect on the events that led up to his death and resurrection, to speak to God and seek his guidance and listen to his heart, is essential to preparing our hearts for the Joy of Easter. To that end, we will be hosting a Prayer Vigil on Good Friday, March 29th. We hope to have an all-day vigil with at least two people in the sanctuary throughout the day. Please take a moment to consider what time you would like to come in and pray. Use the signup sheet in the Bulletin, or sheet in the Narthex, to let us know when you would like to come in and pray. If you are not ready to sign up don’t worry there will be several more chances and even if you are not able to sign up please plan to drop in on Good Friday.
ANNUAL MEETING: Join us on March 10th during the Worship service for our annual meeting.
SESSION MEMBERS: Class of 2024: Jeremy Moore, Sue Crawford, Briana Mayfield, Cameron Mayfield. Class of 2025: Beverly Kennedy, Andrew Nolan, Sandy Cranfill. Class of 2026: Joan Albright. Others: Louise Ochart (Staff), Kelly Cuppett (staff), Ragina Isham (Insurance/Staff Committee Volunteer), Linda Lowry (Deacon), Bill Bottomley (Treasurer)
2/26- 1:00 PM – Staff Meeting
2/27 – 2:45 PM – Sandwich-Making
2/28 – 8:00 AM – Program of Hope
6:30 PM – Cantata Rehearsal
2/29 – 6:00 PM – Sailboat Church Zoom Book Study Chapters 5 and 6
3/2 – Playschool Arts and Fun Fair
3/3 -9:15 AM – Adult Sunday School
10:15 AM – Choir Warm-up
10:30 AM – Worship Service with Children’s Church
11:45 AM – Choir Rehearsal
BIRTHDAYS: Asher Ochart 2/25, Ernestine Price 2/28,
Joshua Hebert 3/2, Sue Crawford 3/2