DEVOTIONAL SPOTLIGHT: This week’s devotional is: Common Prayer: A Liturgy for Ordinary Radicals Designed to help individuals, families, and congregations pray together across denominations, this book of common prayer will help you and your community join together each day with the same songs, scriptures, and prayers. Composed under an advisory team of liturgy experts, these three influential and inspiring authors have created Common Prayer–a tapestry of prayer that will help the church be one as God is one.
OFFICE CLOSED: Pastor Aaron and Louise will be out of town April 10th – 14th. The office will be closed. If something urgent comes up please email us or call and leave a voice message and we will respond as soon as we are able.
ONE GREAT HOUR OF SHARING: Lent is a time to think about others, instead of ourselves. Easter is a time for connecting friends, family, and those in need. ONE GREAT HOUR OF SHARING……is a time when people throughout the world come together and share what they have with others that have less!
ONE GREAT HOUR OF SHARING is the single, largest way that Presbyterians connect every year to work for justice, resilience, and sustainability, providing relief from natural disasters, food for the hungry, and support for the poor and oppressed.
During the season of Lent, we celebrate that God connects with us through Jesus’ resurrection and connects us with “those who have least” – that’s how Matthew 25 puts it – and that’s what One Great hour of Sharing (OGHS) is all about.
We will be collecting the One Great Hour of Sharing Offering this Sunday.
POTLUCK LUNCHEON AFTER THE CANTATA!: On Sunday, April 16th the Presbyterian Women will host a potluck luncheon after our annual cantata. Just bring a dish to share with others. It can be homemade or store bought. Anything yummy you would like, someone else is sure to like too! The Presbyterian women will be in the Fellowship Hall before the worship service to accept the food (and to have it heated or refrigerated, if necessary).The PW will provide the drinks. Plan to join us on April 16th. for beautiful music and wonderful fellowship as we join Chinese Presbyterian and Little Farms United Church of Christ as a community of believers praising God together!
EASTER EGG HUNT THANK YOU!!!: A Big Thank you to all those who came out and helped at the Easter Egg Hunt on the 1st. Julie, Christian, Joseph, Greg, Claire, Aaron, Asher, Ardis, Jermey, Brock, Sue, Ron, Cynthia, and Emily we could not have done it without you. Thank you for all your hard work. The kids had a great time and the parents were impressed with what we had to offer.
HYMNS AND BEER We’ve also scheduled our next Hymns and Beer for Monday, April 24th at 7pm at Zony Mash! The brewery is child and pet-friendly, and there will be a food truck (Boils by Brad) serving up crawfish. In celebration of Earth Day, all the hymns will be nature-themed and half of the musicians’ tips will be donated to Glassroots, a New Orleans non-profit which turns glass bottles into sand for use in coastal restoration projects. See you there!
OUR NEXT CLOTHING DRIVE: We are looking for prom dresses and party dresses to take to the folks we have been working with in Lake Charles. Short, long, and all sizes. We will be collecting in April. Look for a clothing rack in the Narthex for this collection.
THANK YOU FROM EVERGREEN: Thank you to everyone who donated to Evergreen Life Services Last month. We collected 1,220. Check out the Thank you letter from Evergreen on the Bulletin board to find out more about how this money will be used.
FLOWERS: The Flowers were given to the Glory of God by the Garlands.
BIRTHDAYS: Chuck Corcoran 4/9
4/10 – 4/14 – Office Closed
4/12 -6:00 PM – Worship Committee Meeting
7:00 PM – Cantata Choir Rehearsal
4/13 – 10:00 AM – Game Day Sponsored by PW
4/16 – 9:30 AM – Canta Warm-up and Rehearsal
10:30 AM- Easter Cantata
11:45 AM -Potluck luncheon
February 2023 Finances Revenues: $ 62,817 Expenses: $109,511.95 ($46,694.95) |