Announcements Continued:
Books on being Presbyterian: Would you like to get more familiar with the Presbyterian Churches beliefs? Do you have questions about our reformed tradition? Well you’re in luck because this month the Christian Education recommended reading list is all about what it means to be a Presbyterian. This week’s recommendation is: Presbyterian Questions, Presbyterian Answers and More Presbyterian Questions, More Presbyterian Answers, Revised edition By Donald K. McKim Presbyterians often have questions about Presbyterian theology and beliefs that are basic to Christian faith itself. Featuring a unique question- and-answer format, More Presbyterian Questions, More Presbyterian Answers is an expansion of the best-selling Presbyterian Questions, Presbyterian Answers. It is an accessible and concise treatment that provides a sampling of these questions on important topics and brief but complete answers from a distinguished Presbyterian theologian.
SCHOLARSHIP SINGERS: The Session has approved the funds to hire three university music students as Scholarship Singers. These students will augment the choir and bring new ideas to our music program while receiving training, mentorship, and experience in music ministry. We are exploring grants to help offset the costs, but we also welcome donations from anyone who wishes to support the development of new church professionals. If you’d like to assist financially with this program beyond your existing pledge, please give via your usual method and specify that it is for the Scholarship Singers.
GET INVOLVED IN CHRISTIAN EDUCATION: We have a great year planned and would love for you to get involved. Here is what we are looking for:
- Sunday School teachers for our middle and high School youth which will meet twice a month at 9:30 AM. They will be using the Spice Rack Curriculum: Habits.
- Nursery volunteers.
- Teachers for our age K- 2nd grade Children’s Church. They will be using a narrative lectionary Curriculum.
Louise will continue to teach the 3rd to 6th grade Children’s Church. While we don’t have younger children in the church yet we still want to be prepared to provide a children’s church and nursery option if we do have families worship with us. Louise will work with those who are interested to come up with a schedule for teaching/volunteering. Please see Louise if you have any questions or use the insert in the bulletin to sign up.
FLOWERS: Flowers today are given by Denis McCrea in memory of his parents, who passed away.
RESTOCK THE CLOSET: The food pantry has been used quite a bit this summer. We are running low on small toiletries, diapers both adult and child sizes and Shelf stable food items. We would love some help restocking or gas and walmart gift cards. See Louise if you have questions.