Announcements 10/20/2024



PROGRAM OF HOPE: Join us on Tuesdays in October at 2:45 pm to make sandwiches for Program of Hope. On Wednesdays in October, JCPC will be serving Lunch at Program of Hope, we hope you will be able to join us. For more information please talk with Sue Crawford.

HYMNS & BEER!: The next Hymns & Beer is on November 14th at 7pm at Zony Mash. Musician tips will be split with Program of Hope.

FALL & WINTER CLOTHING DRIVE: Sorting Party will be October 21 at 9:30a. We will sort, mark, fold, and box up the Fall + Winter clothing to take to Program of Hope at FPCNO. 

NOMINATING COMMITTEE:  The Election of New Session Members will be held on 11/3/24 after service. 

CHOIR: The choir will sing on November 10th, with a rehearsal after the service on November 3rd. Let Kelly know if you’d like to participate! Music and learning tracks are available on the church website.

Christian ED: We are starting a new series being led by Rev. Jan Condren! Six Themes Everyone Should Know: Genesis, by W. Eugene March. Books are available through the PCUSA store or Amazon. Let Briana know if you need help with this.

Pledge Drive: The Annual Pledge drive is starting soon. Be on the lookout for your pledge letter and card in the mail. Please send in your pledge card by November 5th, even if you are unable to pledge at this time. 

PLAYSCHOOL: Trunk Or Treat is right around the corner on Oct 25th.  We are collecting candy and snacks in the narthex, church office, and playschool office. 


10/20 Worship Service 10:30a

10/21 Clothing Sorting Party 9:30a

          Session 6:30p

10/22 Sandwich Prep for POH 2:45p

10/23 Serving at POH 8a

          Cantata Rehersal 6p

10/24 PW Game Day 10a

10/25 Playschool Trunk or Treat 6p

Announcements 10/13/2024


PROGRAM OF HOPE: Join us on Tuesdays in October at 2:45 pm to make sandwiches for Program of Hope. On Wednesdays in October, JCPC will be serving Lunch at Program of Hope, we hope you will be able to join us. For more information please talk with Sue Crawford.

FALL & WINTER CLOTHING DRIVE: October 13-20. ESPECIALLY NEEDED are MEN’S Fall and Winter shirts, jeans, casual pants, sturdy plain walking shoes, socks, hats and caps, any type of T-shirts, jackets and sweaters. Also needed are UNUSED PACKAGED boxers, briefs and panties. Leave packaged! White Shirts and Black Pants for food service work are needed- men’s and women’s. PROGRAM OF HOPE Clothes Sorting Party will be October 21 at 9:30a. We will sort, mark, fold, and box up the Fall + Winter clothing to take to Program of Hope at FPCNO. 

CANTATA: Rehearsals for the December 8th cantata will take place on Wednesdays at 6pm beginning on October 9th. Let Kelly know ASAP if you’d like to participate so she can order enough copies, and invite a friend to this multi-congregational ensemble!

Christian ED: We are starting a new series being led by Rev. Jan Condren! Six Themes Everyone Should Know: Genesis, by W. Eugene March. Books are available through the PCUSA store or Amazon. Let Briana know if you need help with this.

Pledge Drive: The Annual Pledge drive is starting soon. Be on the lookout for your pledge letter and card in the mail. Please send in your pledge card by November 5th, even if you are unable to pledge at this time. 

PLAYSCHOOL: As usual the Playschool is keeping busy. Here are few ways you can get involved and activities to be aware of:

  1. Trunk Or Treat is right around the corner on Oct 25th.  We are collecting candy and snacks in the narthex, church office, and playschool office. 
  2. Oct 16th from 12p-10p is a Give back Night at the Canes 4036 Veterans Memorial Blvd, Metairie, LA 70002.  Just say you are with John Calvin and the playschool will receive a portion of the sales that day. 
  3. The Annual gift wrap and cookie fundraiser will be from 10/3-10/18. Please get with Briana about ordering.


10/13 Worship Service 10:30a (Peace and Global Witness Offering)

10/14 Playschool Committee Meeting 12:15p

          Outreach Committee Meeting 10a

10/15 Sandwich Making Party for POH 2:45p

          PW Grace Circle 10a

10/16 Serve POH at First Presbyterian Church 8a. Carpool from JCPC at 7:45a

10/13-10/20 PW Drive and Outreach Clothing Drive

 10/3-10/18  Playschool Holiday Fundraiser

 Presbyterian Women Fall Food Drive 2024

The Presbyterian Women are sponsoring a Fall Food Drive from Sunday, October 13 – to Sunday, October 20.  The food will be given to Jefferson Presbyterian Church Food Bank, a USDA-certified food bank.  The food is distributed twice a month—the first and third Saturdays, servicing between 120 and 140 clients each Saturday.  This is the only food bank in the area that is open on Saturday.  Donations come mainly from Second Harvest with other churches, groups, and individuals contributing.

Boxes will be provided to receive your donations.  Should you choose to make a monetary donation, please make the check out to the church and indicate that it is for the Food Drive.

We appreciate your support!


Announcements 10/13/2024


PROGRAM OF HOPE: Join us on Tuesdays in October at 2:45 pm to make sandwiches for Program of Hope. On Wednesdays in October, JCPC will be serving Lunch at Program of Hope, we hope you will be able to join us. For more information please talk with Sue Crawford.

FALL & WINTER CLOTHING DRIVE: October 13-20. ESPECIALLY NEEDED are MEN’S Fall and Winter shirts, jeans, casual pants, sturdy plain walking shoes, socks, hats and caps, any type of T-shirts, jackets and sweaters. Also needed are UNUSED PACKAGED boxers, briefs and panties. Leave packaged! White Shirts and Black Pants for food service work are needed- men’s and women’s. PROGRAM OF HOPE Clothes Sorting Party will be October 21 at 9:30a. We will sort, mark, fold, and box up the Fall + Winter clothing to take to Program of Hope at FPCNO. 

CANTATA: Rehearsals for the December 8th cantata will take place on Wednesdays at 6pm beginning on October 9th. Let Kelly know ASAP if you’d like to participate so she can order enough copies, and invite a friend to this multi-congregational ensemble!

Christian ED: We are starting a new series being led by Rev. Jan Condren! Six Themes Everyone Should Know: Genesis, by W. Eugene March. Books are available through the PCUSA store or Amazon. Let Briana know if you need help with this.

Pledge Drive: The Annual Pledge drive is starting soon. Be on the lookout for your pledge letter and card in the mail. Please send in your pledge card by November 5th, even if you are unable to pledge at this time. 

PLAYSCHOOL: As usual the Playschool is keeping busy. Here are few ways you can get involved and activities to be aware of:

  1. Trunk Or Treat is right around the corner on Oct 25th.  We are collecting candy and snacks in the narthex, church office, and playschool office. 
  2. Oct 16th from 12p-10p is a Give back Night at the Canes 4036 Veterans Memorial Blvd, Metairie, LA 70002.  Just say you are with John Calvin and the playschool will receive a portion of the sales that day. 
  3. The Annual gift wrap and cookie fundraiser will be from 10/3-10/18. Please get with Briana about ordering.


10/13 Worship Service 10:30a (Peace and Global Witness Offering)

10/14 Playschool Committee Meeting 12:15p

          Outreach Committee Meeting 10a

10/15 Sandwich Making Party for POH 2:45p

          PW Grace Circle 10a

10/16 Serve POH at First Presbyterian Church 8a. Carpool from JCPC at 7:45a

10/13-10/20 PW Drive and Outreach Clothing Drive

 10/3-10/18  Playschool Holiday Fundraiser

 Presbyterian Women Fall Food Drive 2024

The Presbyterian Women are sponsoring a Fall Food Drive from Sunday, October 13 – to Sunday, October 20.  The food will be given to Jefferson Presbyterian Church Food Bank, a USDA-certified food bank.  The food is distributed twice a month—the first and third Saturdays, servicing between 120 and 140 clients each Saturday.  This is the only food bank in the area that is open on Saturday.  Donations come mainly from Second Harvest with other churches, groups, and individuals contributing.

Boxes will be provided to receive your donations.  Should you choose to make a monetary donation, please make the check out to the church and indicate that it is for the Food Drive.

We appreciate your support!