Announcements 01/19/2025


SESSION MEETING: First session meeting of the year will be taking place on 1/21/25 at 6:30p. If you have not received an email from last week, please email Briana at to update your email contact info.

RULING ELDER TRAINING: There will be a Presbytery training for ruler elders at Jefferson Presbyterian Church on 1/31/25 from 1p-4p. This opportunity is for newly ordained elders and those installed who would like a refresher on their role in the session. 

ANNUAL MEETING: Join us for our annual meeting on January 26th during the Worship service.

CHRISTIAN ED: Are you interested in leading the next Adult Sunday School series? Please reach out to Briana about what your topic will be and how long the series is. Materials can be ordered for you.  

MUSEUM TOUR AND FELLOWSHIP: Come hang out with Briana on January 29th at the New Orleans Museum of Art. We will meet at 12:30p to walk around together then meet for small plates and drinks at Cafe Noma for 3p. Hope to see you there!

PROGRAM OF HOPE: Outreach is asking for clothing donations for POH next Sunday, 1/26 through 2/2. Specifically Men’s pants and shoes. John Calvin will be doing prep and service at POH for the month of February. Sandwich prep will be Tuesday at 3p. Service will be Wednesdays at 8a. If you want to carpool, please meet at the church by 7:45. Sue will buy you a hotdog from Costco!    



1/19 Worship Service 10:30a (Ordination and Installation of Elders)

1/20 MLK Day- Office Closed

1/21 PW Grace Circle 10a

        Session Meeting 6:30p

1/23 PW Game Day 10a

Announcements 01/12/25


ELDER ELECTION: We will be having a quick congregational meeting before the conclusion of service on 1/12/25 to re elect and elect the following members:

Cameron Mayfield

Sue Crawford

Cindy Freudenthal

Our Ordination and Installation will take place on 1/19/25. Please make sure to mark your calendar.

PSL MEET AND GREET: There will be a Presbytery meeting in January at St. Charles Presbyterian Church for all churches thinking about merging or partnering with another church. It’s on January 14 at 5:30 p.m., and they will provide dinner.

Christian ED: Are you interested in leading the next Adult Sunday School series? Please reach out to Briana about what your topic will be and how long the series is. Materials can be ordered for you.  

MUSEUM TOUR AND FELLOWSHIP: Come hang out with Briana on January 29th at the New Orleans Museum of Art. We will meet at 12:30p to walk around together then meet for small plates and drinks at Cafe Noma for 3p. Hope to see you there!

PROGRAM OF HOPE: Outreach is asking for clothing donations for POH. Specifically Men’s pants and shoes. John Calvin will doing doing prep and service at POH for the month of February. Sandwich prep will be Tuesday at 3p. Service will be Wednesdays at 8a. If you want to carpool, please meet at the church by 7:45. Sue will buy you a hotdog from Costco!                                                                                              


1/12 Worship Service 10:30a (Election/ReElection of Elders)

1/13 Playschool Committee Meeting 12:15a

        Outreach Meeting 10a

Announcements 01/05/2025


DECORATION TAKEDOWN: Please stay, if you are able, after service to help take down the Christmas decorations around the church.

ELDER ELECTION: We will be having a quick congregational meeting before the conclusion of service on 1/12/25 to reelect and elect the following members:

Cameron Mayfield

Sue Crawford

Cindy Freudenthal

Our Ordination and Installation will take place on 1/19/25. Please make sure to mark your calendar.

PSL MEET AND GREET: There will be a Presbytery meeting in January at St. Charles Presbyterian Church for all churches thinking about merging or partnering with another church. It’s on January 14 at 5:30 p.m., and they will provide dinner.

Christian ED: Are you interested in leading the next Adult Sunday School series? Please reach out to Briana about what your topic will be and how long the series is. Materials can be ordered for you.                                                                                                  


1/5 Worship Service 10:30a

1/6 Worship Committee Meeting 10:30a

1/9 PW Game Day 10a

Announcements 12/29/2024


ELDER ELECTION: We will be having a quick congregational meeting before the conclusion of service on 1/12/25 to reelect and elect the following members:

Cameron Mayfield

Sue Crawford

Cindy Freudenthal

Our Ordination and Installation will take place on 1/19/25. Please make sure to mark your calendar.

PSL MEET AND GREET: There will be a Presbytery meeting in January at St. Charles Presbyterian Church for all churches thinking about merging or partnering with another church. It’s on January 14 at 5:30 p.m., and they will provide dinner.

Christian ED: Mary, Joseph, the Shepherds, the Kings, you.  What do these people have in common?  They all have a place at the Manger.  This Advent, Rev. Jan Condren will lead us in a study of the people in the manger scene, and help us to use them as a guide to find our own place at the manger. Lessons can be obtained from Briana, or at the first class.  See you there!!

January 5:            Wise Men and the Wisdom of Seeking                                                                                                    


12/29 Worship Service 10:30a

12/31-1/1 Church Office is CLOSED

1/2 PW Council Meeting 10a

Announcements 12/22/2024



ELDER ELECTION: We will be having a quick congregational meeting before the conclusion of service on 1/12/25 to reelect and elect the following members:

Cameron Mayfield

Sue Crawford

Cindy Freudenthal

Our Ordination and Installation will take place on 1/19/25. Please make sure to mark your calendar.

PSL MEET AND GREET: There will be a Presbytery meeting in January at St. Charles Presbyterian Church for all churches thinking about merging or partnering with another church. It’s on January 14 at 5:30 p.m., and they will provide dinner.

CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICE: Mark your calendars! This year’s Christmas Eve service will be held at 6:30p and will be officiated by JCPC’s first pastor, Rev. Bob Malsbary. Invite your family, friends, and neighbors. There are multiple areas of participation in the service. If you would like to do a reading, please see Bob or Briana.

Christian ED: Mary, Joseph, the Shepherds, the Kings, you.  What do these people have in common?  They all have a place at the Manger.  This Advent, Rev. Jan Condren will lead us in a study of the people in the manger scene, and help us to use them as a guide to find our own place at the manger. Lessons can be obtained from Briana, or at the first class.  See you there!!

December 22:      The Shepherds and God of the Ordinary

January 5:            Wise Men and the Wisdom of Seeking                                                                                                    


12/22 Worship Service 10:30a

12/24 Christmas Eve Service 6:30p

12/24-12/25;12/27 Church Office is CLOSED

Announcements 12/15/2024



CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICE: Mark your calendars! This year’s Christmas Eve service will be held at 6:30p and will be officiated by JCPC’s first pastor, Rev. Bob Malsbary. Invite your family, friends, and neighbors. There are multiple areas of participation in the service. If you would like to do a reading, please see Bob or Briana.

Christian ED: Mary, Joseph, the Shepherds, the Kings, you.  What do these people have in common?  They all have a place at the Manger.  This Advent, Rev. Jan Condren will lead us in a study of the people in the manger scene, and help us to use them as a guide to find our own place at the manger. Lessons can be obtained from Briana, or at the first class.  See you there!!

December 15:      Joseph, an Unsung Hero

December 22:      The Shepherds and God of the Ordinary

January 5:            Wise Men and the Wisdom of Seeking                                                                                                    


12/ Worship Service 10:30a

12/16-17 Playschool Christmas Program 9a

12/17 Grace Circle 10a

         Session 6:30p

Announcements 12/08/2024



ANGEL TREE: Reminder that your angels are due today!

CHRISTMAS TOYS FOR BEREAN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH: Maybe you missed your chance to choose a Salvation Army Angel?  Well, we’ve got another chance to make children happy! The Berean Presbyterian Church has asked us to donate Unwrapped toys or gifts to be distributed at their Christmas party. Unwrapped toys or gifts for ages 1-14 can be brought to the narthex by Tuesday 12/10, or call Sue Crawford, and she can pick them up from you.

CANTATA LUNCHEON: Head to the fellowship hall after service to enjoy some food, fellowship, and football!

2025 OFFERING ENVELOPES: We have received our envelope box sets for 2025. Please make sure to get one at the welcoming table by the front door.

CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICE: Mark your calendars! This year’s Christmas Eve service will be held at 6:30p and officiated by JCPC’s first pastor, Rev. Bob Malsbary. Invite your family, friends, and neighbors. There are multiple areas of participation in the service. If you would like to do a reading, please see Bob or Briana.

Christian ED: Mary, Joseph, the Shepherds, the Kings, you.  What do these people have in common?  They all have a place at the Manger.  This Advent, Rev. Jan Condren will lead us in a study of the people in the manger scene, and help us to use them as a guide to find our own place at the manger. Lessons can be obtained from Briana, or at the first class.  See you there!!

December 1:        Mary, Bearer of God

December 15:      Joseph, an Unsung Hero

December 22:      The Shepherds and God of the Ordinary

January 5:            Wise Men and the Wisdom of Seeking                                                                                                    


12/8 Cantata Worship Service 10:30a

12/9 Playschool Committee Meeting 10:30a

        Outreach Committee Meeting 10a

12/13 Playschool Angel Angel Program 9a

Announcements 12/1/2024



WHITE ELEPHANT PARTY: Party is being hosted by Emily and David Garland on December 6th at 6:30p. Please bring a dish and present to swap!

ANGEL TREE: Reminder that your angels are due back on 12/8. You can team up with another member or have one of our little elves to shop for you.

Christian ED: Mary, Joseph, the Shepherds, the Kings, you.  What do these people have in common?  They all have a place at the Manger.  This Advent, Rev. Jan Condren will lead us in a study of the people in the manger scene, and help us to use them as a guide to find our own place at the manger. Lessons can be obtained from Briana, or at the first class.  See you there!!

December 1:        Mary, Bearer of God

December 8:        Joseph, an Unsung Hero

December 15:      The Shepherds and God of the Ordinary

December 22:      Wise Men and the Wisdom of Seeking                                                                                                    

ADVENT READERS: We are looking for a pair of members to help with the advent readings on 12/15. Please talk to Mary or Briana if you would like to pick up this Sunday.

MUSIC: We need help setting up the cantata risers on Dec 1 after the service. Please plan to stick around for 10-15 minutes if you are able to help! 


12/1 Worship Service 10:30a

12/2 Worship Committee Meeting 10:30a

12/3 Playschool Santa Pics 9a

12/5 PW Council Meeting 10a

12/6 White Elephant Party (Garland’s House) 6:30p

12/7 Cantata Lunch Setup 10a

Announcements 11/24/2024


POINSETTIA ORDER: Today is the last day to place your order! Perino’s is offering us a discounted price for an early order at $10 for the standard 6.5” flower. They will be delivered on 12/13 for pick up on 12/15.

ANGEL TREE: Reminder that your angels are due back on 12/8. You can team up with another member or have one of our little elves to shop for you.

Christian ED: Mary, Joseph, the Shepherds, the Kings, you.  What do these people have in common?  They all have a place at the Manger.  This Advent, Rev. Jan Condren will lead us in a study of the people in the manger scene, and help us to use them as a guide to find our own place at the manger. Lessons can be obtained from Briana, or at the first class.  See you there!!

December 1:        Mary, Bearer of God

December 8:        Joseph, an Unsung Hero

December 15:      The Shepherds and God of the Ordinary

December 22:      Wise Men and the Wisdom of Seeking                                                                                                    

ADVENT READERS: We are looking for a pair of members to help with the advent readings on 12/8 and 12/15. Please talk to Mary if you would like to pick up one of these Sundays.

MUSIC: We need help setting up the cantata risers on Dec 1 after the service. Please plan to stick around for 10-15 minutes if you are able to help! 

THANKSGIVING WORSHIP: Our brothers and sisters at the Chinese Presbyterian Church have invited us to their traditional Thanksgiving Day Breakfast at 8:30am and the following 9:30am Worship Service. Dress is casual and the service is an abbreviated worship service during which they thank God for the many blessings he bestows on us. They hope to see some of us there.


11/24 Worship Service 10:30a

11/27 JCPC Volunteers at POH 8a


Announcements 11/17/2024



POINSETTIA ORDER: This year we will be working with Perino’s to order poinsettias. Please fill out the form in the narthex. You can return the form to Briana, Emily, or Evelyn. Perino’s is offering us a discounted price for an early order at $10 for the standard 6.5” flower. Orders need to be submitted no later than 11/24. They will be delivered on 12/13 for pick up on 12/15.

ANGEL TREE: Reminder that your angels are due back on 12/8. You can team up with another member or have one of our little elves to shop for you.

Christian ED: Mary, Joseph, the Shepherds, the Kings, you.  What do these people have in common?  They all have a place at the Manger.  This Advent, Rev. Jan Condren will lead us in a study of the people in the manger scene, and help us to use them as a guide to find our own place at the manger. Lessons can be obtained from Briana, or at the first class.  See you there!!

December 1:        Mary, Bearer of God

December 8:        Joseph, an Unsung Hero

December 15:      The Shepherds and God of the Ordinary

December 22:      Wise Men and the Wisdom of Seeking                                                                                                    

PROGRAM OF HOPE: We are volunteering to help out at First Presbyterian Church in November. For more information please talk with Sue Crawford.

MUSIC: We didn’t get enough handbell volunteers to do our scheduled piece on 11/17. Handbells will play again on 12/15 with a rehearsal on 12/1 after the service; if you can read rhythms, please consider playing! Let Kelly know if you’d like to participate!

THANKSGIVING WORSHIP: Our brothers and sisters at the Chinese Presbyterian Church have invited us to their traditional Thanksgiving Day Breakfast at 8:30am and the following 9:30am Worship Service. Dress is casual and the service is an abbreviated worship service during which they thank God for the many blessings he bestows on us. They hope to see some of us there.


11/17 Worship Service 10:30a

11/18 Session Meeting 6:30p

11/19 Playschool Friendsgiving Performance 9a

          PW Grace Circle 10a

11/20 JCPC Volunteers at POH 8a

11/21 Playschool Thanksgiving Feast 8a