Announcements 07/28/2024


Elder Nominating Committee: The committee will meet in the cry room after service on August 4th.. If anyone would like to serve on the committee or be nominated to serve on the Session, please call (504-885-0128), text (504-371-2113) or e-mail (

Thank you for prayerfully considering this invitation to serve our Lord, our church, and their mission.

2024 Mission Survey: Please double check your email for the Project Regeneration Mission survey that was sent out. There will also be hard copies to pick up that you can fill out and return to either Ragina Isham or Cameron Mayfield. The survey ends 7/30. There will be a Luncheon after service on 8/11 to have an open discussion and go over the results.

FAVORITE HYMNS: Do you have a favorite hymn that you would like for us to sing this summer? Please email your requests to Kelly at

MONTHLY FOOD PANTRY DONATION: Each month we are asking you to donate one or two items to the food pantry. This month we are asking for shelf-stable breakfast items and canned meat goods. Please see the flyer on the bulletin board in the narthex.

DEACON UPDATE:  If you are in need of prayer and/or any pastoral care, please contact one of our deacons. Names and information are located at the back of the bulletin under staff.

2024 SUNDAYS @ SIX: The Fourth Wave Women’s Choir on July 7th drew an audience of over 50 people! Tonight’s concert is all love songs from musical theater shows. Come and bring a friend!

July 28: Crescent City Big Band

August 5: Crescent City Sound Chorus


7/28 Sunday Worship 10:30a

        4th Sundays @ Crescent City Big Band 6p

8/1 PW Council Meeting 10a (Library)

Announcements 7/21/24


2024 Mission Survey: Please double check your email for the Project Regeneration Mission survey that was sent out. There will also be hard copies to pick up that you can fill out and return to either Ragina Isham or Cameron Mayfield. We ask that everyone please participate to help look at what God is calling John Calvin to be.

FAVORITE HYMNS: Do you have a favorite hymn that you would like for us to sing this summer? Please email your requests to Kelly at

MONTHLY FOOD PANTRY DONATION: Each month we are asking you to donate one or two items to the food pantry. This month we are asking for shelf-stable breakfast items and canned meat goods. Please see the flyer on the bulletin board in the narthex.

DEACON UPDATE:  If you are in need of prayer and/or any pastoral care, please contact one of our deacons. Names and information are located at the back of the bulletin under staff.

2024 SUNDAYS @ SIX: The Fourth Wave Women’s Choir on July 7th drew an audience of over 50 people! Tonight’s concert is all love songs from musical theater shows. Come and bring a friend!

July 21: David Sigler, guitar

July 28: Crescent City Big Band

August 5: Crescent City Sound Chorus


7/21 Sunday Worship 10:30a

        3rd Sundays @ Six David Sigler, guitar 6p
7/25 PW Game Day 10a


Announcements 7/14/24


2024 Mission Survey: Please double check your email for the Project Regeneration Mission survey that was sent out. There will also be hard copies to pick up that you can fill out and return to either Ragina Isham or Cameron Mayfield. We ask that everyone please participate to help look at what God is calling John Calvin to be. You can also click the following link or scan the QR code.

FAVORITE HYMNS: Do you have a favorite hymn that you would like for us to sing this summer? Please email your requests to Kelly at

MONTHLY FOOD PANTRY DONATION: Each month we are asking you to donate one or two items to the food pantry. This month we are asking for shelf-stable breakfast items and canned goods. Please see the flyer on the bulletin board in the narthex.

DEACON UPDATE:  If you are in need of prayer and/or any pastoral care, please contact one of our deacons. Names and information are located at the back of the bulletin under staff.

2024 SUNDAYS @ SIX: The Fourth Wave Women’s Choir on July 7th drew an audience of over 50 people! Tonight’s concert is all love songs from musical theater shows. Come and bring a friend!

July 14: Dody Piper, voice & Sam Garnett, piano

July 21: David Sigler, guitar

July 28: Crescent City Big Band

August 5: Crescent City Sound Chorus


7/14 Sunday Worship 10:30a

      2nd Sundays @ Six Dody Piper, voice and Sam Garnett, piano 6p

7/15 Session Meeting 6:30p

Announcements 7/7/2024


FAVORITE HYMNS: Do you have a favorite hymn that you would like for us to sing this summer? Please email your requests to Kelly at

MONTHLY FOOD PANTRY DONATION: Each month we are asking you to donate one or two items to the food pantry. This month we are asking for shelf-stable breakfast items and canned goods. Please see the flyer on the bulletin board in the narthex.

DEACON UPDATE:  If you are in need of prayer and/or any pastoral care, please contact one of our deacons. Names and information are located at the back of the bulletin under staff.

DIRECTORY:  The 2024 John Calvin Presbyterian Church Directory has been printed. You can get your copy from the welcome table near the front entrance in the Narthex.

2024 SUNDAYS @ SIX: Thank you to our generous sponsors, who have fully funded this years’ concert series! All of the concerts (and a small reception afterwards) are free. Come and bring a friend!

July 7: Fourth Wave Women’s Choir

July 14: Dody Piper, voice & Sam Garnett, organ

July 21: David Sigler, guitar

July 28: Crescent City Swing Band

August 5: Crescent City Sound Chorus


7/7 Sunday Worship 10:30a

      1st Sundays @ Six Concert- Fourth Wave Women’s Choir 6p

7/8 Playschool Committee Meeting 12:15p

      Outreach Committee Meeting 6:30p

7/11 PW Game Day 10a

7/12 Patima P.Shah Graduation Party 6p

Announcements 6/23/24

FAVORITE HYMNS: Do you have a favorite hymn that you would like for us to sing this summer? Let us know which one! Please email Kelly your request. 

MONTHLY FOOD PANTRY DONATION: Each month we are asking you to donate one or two items to the food pantry. This month we are asking for shelf-stable breakfast items and canned goods. Please see the flyer on the bulletin board in the narthex.

PROGRAM OF HOPE: Join us on Tuesdays in June at 2:45 pm to make sandwiches for Program of Hope. On Wednesdays in June JCPC will be serving Lunch at Program of Hope, we hope you will be able to join us. For more information please talk with Sue Crawford.

DEACON UPDATE:  If you are in need of prayer and/or any pastoral care, please contact one of our deacons. Names and information are located at the back of the bulletin under staff.

DIRECTORY:  The 2024 John Calvin Presbyterian Church Directory has been printed. You can get your copy from the welcome table near the front entrance in the Narthex.

2024 SUNDAYS @ SIX: Mark your calendars for the third annual Sundays @ Six concert series! If you are interested in being a sponsor, please let Kelly know as soon as possible! Sponsors can fund a concert for $200 each, and will be included in the programs as well as thanked during the concert as part of welcoming remarks.

July 7: Fourth Wave Women’s Choir

July 14: Dody Piper, voice & Sam Garnett, organ

July 21: David Sigler, guitar

July 28: Crescent City Swing Band

August 5: Crescent City Sound Chorus


6/23 – 10:30 AM Worship Service

6/25- 2:45 PM – Making Sandwiches for POH

6/26 -8:00 AM – Program of Hope at 1st Presbyterian Church New Orleans

6/27 – 10 AM- PW Game Day

Memorial Service for James Jose Rivera


Announcements 6/16/2024


FAVORITE HYMNS: Do you have a favorite hymn that you would like for us to sing this summer? Let us know which one! Please email Kelly your request. 

MONTHLY FOOD PANTRY DONATION: Each month we are asking you to donate one or two items to the food pantry. This month we are asking for shelf-stable breakfast items and canned goods. Please see the flyer on the bulletin board in the narthex.

PROGRAM OF HOPE: Join us on Tuesdays in June at 2:45 pm to make sandwiches for Program of Hope. On Wednesdays in June JCPC will be serving Lunch at Program of Hope, we hope you will be able to join us. For more information please talk with Sue Crawford.

DEACON UPDATE:  If you are in need of prayer and/or any pastoral care, please contact one of our deacons. Names and information are located at the back of the bulletin under staff.

DIRECTORY:  The 2024 John Calvin Presbyterian Church Directory has been printed. You can get your copy from the welcome table near the front entrance in the Narthex.

2024 SUNDAYS @ SIX: Mark your calendars for the third annual Sundays @ Six concert series! If you are interested in being a sponsor, please let Kelly know as soon as possible! Sponsors can fund a concert for $200 each, and will be included in the programs as well as thanked during the concert as part of welcoming remarks.

July 7: Fourth Wave Women’s Choir

July 14: Dody Piper, voice & Sam Garnett, organ

July 21: David Sigler, guitar

July 28: Crescent City Swing Band

August 5: Crescent City Sound Chorus


6/16 – 10:30 AM Worship Service

6/17- Session Meeting 6:30p

6/18- 2:45 PM – Making Sandwiches for POH

6/19 -8:00 AM – Program of Hope at 1st Presbyterian Church New Orleans

Announcements 06-09-24

PROJECT REGENERATION:  Those who have participated in the forty days of prayer will gather for the Project Regeneration meeting on June 10th. 

FAVORITE HYMNS: Do you have a favorite hymn that you would like for us to sing this summer? Let us know which one! Please email Kelly your request. 

MONTHLY FOOD PANTRY DONATION: Each month we are asking you to donate one or two items to the food pantry. This month we are asking for shelf-stable breakfast items and canned goods. Please see flyer.

PROGRAM OF HOPE: Join us on Tuesdays in June at 2:45 pm to make sandwiches for Program of Hope. On Wednesdays in June JCPC will be serving Lunch at Program of Hope, we hope you will be able to join us. For more information please talk with Sue Crawford.

DEACON UPDATE:  If you are in need of prayer and/or any pastoral care, please contact one of our deacons. Names and information are located at the bottom of the bulletin under staff.

NEW STAFF: Please extend a warm welcome to Briana Mayfield who graciously accepted the position for Church Office Assistant starting June 1, 2024. Bri will be working part time Monday-Friday from 8a-12p to help with administrative duties by working with Pastoral leadership and the Music Director.

2024 SUNDAYS AT SIX: The Sundays at Six concert series is up and running! We have four artists scheduled for July, with a possible 5th concert in August. Kelly is currently looking for sponsors for those concerts! Sponsors can fund a concert for $200 each, and sponsors will be included in the programs as well as thanked during the concert as part of welcoming remarks and artist introduction. If you are interested in being a sponsor, please let Kelly know as soon as possible!  

July 7: Fourth Wave Women’s Choir

July 14: Dody Piper, voice & Sam Garnett, organ

July 21: David Sigler, guitar

July 28: Crescent City Swing Band


6/9 – 10:30 AM Worship Service

6/10- Outreach Meeting 6p, Project Regeneration at 6:30p

       – Playschool Committee Meeting 12:15p

6/11- 2:45 PM – Making Sandwiches for POH

6/12 -8:00 AM – Program of Hope at 1st Presbyterian Church New Orleans

6/13- PW Game Day at 10a

Announcements 5-26-24

John Calvin Presbyterian Church

CONGREGATIONAL MEETING: There will be a congregational meeting at the end of worship on May 26th for the purpose of dissolving the pastoral relationship between John Calvin Presbyterian Church and the Rev. Aaron Ochart.

FAVORITE HYMNS: Do you have a favorite hymn that you would like for us to sing this summer? Let us know which one. You can use the insert in the bulletin or email Kelly. 

MONTHLY FOOD PANTRY DONATION: Each month we are asking you to donate one or two items to the food pantry. This month we are asking for shelf-stable breakfast items.

GARAGE SALE: It’s almost time. The garage sale is just around the corner. Join us after the service today to get tables set up and start bringing your items. Help is needed this week to clean, sort, and tag items. Many hands make light work, join Sue in the Fellowship Hall M-Th 9:00 am – Noon and 7:00 pm – 8:00 PM. If you would like to help but cannot do so during those times, just give Sue a call (504-275-5560) and she can open the FH up for you at a time that is convenient. Don’t forget Fresh homemade baked goods are a wonderful addition to the sale and can be brought to the Fellowship Hall starting on Thursday, May 30th. Please help us spread the word by informing your friends and neighbors.


Monday – Thursday – See Above 

Friday – 8:00 AM – Noon (Workers will be needed by 7:00 AM, to aid with early bird shopping) 

Saturday – 8:00 AM – Noon

  • Noon – 1:00 PM Clean up and prepare for truck pick-up of items that did not sell. 

PROGRAM OF HOPE: Join us on Tuesdays in June at 2:45 pm to make sandwiches for Program of Hope. On Wednesdays in June JCPC will be serving Lunch at Program of Hope, we hope you will be able to join us. 

RECEPTION: Join us after worship on June 2nd. as we say goodbye to Aaron, Louise, and Asher. We will have light fare complete with drinks and desserts so stay as long as you want and visit!

2024 SUNDAYS AT SIX: The Sundays at Six concert series is up and running! We have four artists scheduled for July, with a possible 5th concert in August. Kelly is currently looking for sponsors for those concerts! Sponsors can fund a concert for $200 each, and sponsors will be included in the programs as well as thanked during the concert as part of welcoming remarks and artist introduction. If you are interested in being a sponsor, please let Kelly know as soon as possible!  

July 7: Fourth Wave Women’s Choir

July 14: Dody Piper, voice & Sam Garnett, organ

July 21: David Sigler, guitar

July 28: Crescent City Swing Band

BIRTHDAYS: Jonathan Zea 6/1, Kate Russo 6/2, Cindy Freudenthal 6/2


5/27 – 1:00 PM – Staff Meeting

5/31 – Garage Sale 

6/1   – Garage Sale 

        – 3:00 PM – Receiving of Friends 

        – 4:00 PM – Celebration of Life for Don Melchert 

6/2 –  10:30 AM Worship Service

Announcements 5-19-24


FAVORITE HYMNS: Do you have a favorite hymn that you would like for us to sing this summer? Let us know which one. You can use the insert in the bulletin or email Kelly. 

MONTHLY FOOD PANTRY DONATION: Each month we are asking you to donate one or two items to the food pantry. This month we are asking for shelf-stable breakfast items.

GARAGE SALE: We are planning a garage and bake sale for the end of May. The sale will take place on Friday, May 31st and Saturday, June 1st. This is a fundraiser to help with church expenses and budget. 

As you do your Spring cleaning, please keep the church in mind as a place to donate your quality furnishings, clothes, appliances, tools, kitchenware, books, games, and knickknacks. Large furniture, computers, and some other electronics can not be accepted. Please do not start bringing your items to the church until after service on May 26th. Donations can then be placed in the Fellowship Hall. 

Fresh homemade baked goods are a wonderful addition to the sale and can be brought to the Fellowship Hall starting on Thursday, May 30th. Please help us spread the word by informing your friends and neighbors.

CELEBRATE OUR GRADUATES: Join us after the service to celebrate all our wonderful graduates with cake and coffee. 

PENTECOST OFFERING: We will be taking up the Pentecost offering this week and next week. Please use the included envelope or you can give online on our website. 

CONGREGATIONAL MEETING: There will be a congregational meeting at the end of worship on May 26th for the purpose of dissolving the pastoral relationship between John Calvin Presbyterian Church and the Rev. Aaron Ochart. 

BIRTHDAYS: Laura Thomas 5/20


5/20 – 1:00 PM – Staff Meeting

         6:30 PM – Session Meeting

5/21 – 2:30 PM – PW Circle Meeting

5/23 – 10:00 AM – Game Day 

5/26 – 10:15 AM – Choir Warm-up 

          10:30 AM – Worship Service 


MATTHEW FREUDENTHAL: Matthew was born in Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine on August 16, 2006. He was baptized in Ukraine by the Orthodox Church. He was adopted by Greg and Cindy in February of 2008 and his baptism was blessed by John Calvin Church shorthly after they got back home. He has been active in Boy Scouts and worked at Code Ninjas throughout High School. He will graduate from St. Therese Academy on May 16th where he has been taking TOPS courses. He currently plans to attend Delgado and take computer classes. 

CALEB HEBERT: Caleb Hebert is graduating from Brother Martin High School with Honors. While at Brother Martin he was a member of the band for 5 years and was in Mu Alpha Theta. Caleb has received a full scholarship for tuition to the University of Mississippi. He also received a band scholarship for his skills on the French horn.  He looks forward to being in the Ole Miss Band. Caleb will be majoring in electrical engineering. 

DEBORAH NOLAN: Deborah is graduating from Cabrini High School with a 3.7 GPA and earned Alpha Honor roll and cum laude. She was a member of the knitting club, coloring club, origami club, film club, music club, and drama club, where she was the House manager. During the summers she worked for NOBTS’ summer camp, where she earned hundreds of service hours. She also worked at their daycare after school caring for babies 3 months to 1 year old. Deborah enjoys going out for tea and coffee, shopping, playing video games, and babysitting. In August, Deborah will be attending Millsaps College in Jackson, MS where she will study Psychology. 

CHRISTINA THOMAS: Ginny and I are deeply grateful and pleased that Christina will be graduating from Tulane University School of Medicine on Saturday the 18th of May, 2024. She was baptized at John Calvin Church. She Graduated from St.Martin’s High School and did her Undergraduate studies at Boston University. She received a Masters in Bio Sciences from Tufts University and Masters in Public Health from Tulane University School of Public Health. Yesterday, she Graduated with her MD from Tulane University School of Medicine. In July 2024 Christina will be starting her General Surgery Residency. Uplifting Women’s Health is her passion. Prayers sought for her continued success.

ALLICE HULL: Alice recently graduated from Loyola University New Orleans with a Bachelor of Arts in Music degree, a milestone she achieved on May 11th. She’s passionate about making music, art, and spending time outdoors. Currently, Alice is excited to stay in New Orleans, where she plans to embark on her professional journey. 

2024 Sundays at Six: The Sundays at Six concert series is up and running! We have four artists scheduled for July, with a possible 5th concert in August. Kelly is currently looking for sponsors for those concerts! Sponsors can fund a concert for $200 each, and sponsors will be included on the programs as well as thanked during the concert as part of welcoming remarks and artist introduction. If you are interested in being a sponsor, please let Kelly know as soon as possible!  

July 7: Fourth Wave Women’s Choir

July 14: Dody Piper, voice & Sam Garnett, organ

July 21: David Sigler, guitar

July 28: Crescent City Swing Band