Briana Mayfield- Office Admin Assistant
Briana has been a member of John Calvin since October 2023. She became a ruling elder in the session class of 2024 and stepped into the role of office assistant after the departure of the previous one. She leads Bible Time with the playschool children on Wednesdays and is currently in the Commissioned Pastor program with the Presbytery of South Louisiana. Her husband Cameron is a band director, and she enjoys spending time at sports event and parade with his kids. Briana is originally from Mobile, AL. She moved to New Orleans in 2015 for a fresh start after the passing of her grandmother.


Pulpit Supply

Worship leadership is currently being lead by pulpit supply. 
Supply preachers are a collection of ministers and educated Ruling Elders who are able to help churches (like ours) who do not have pastoral leadership at the moment. Speak to a member of the Session for more information about the search for Interim and/or Minister.