Announcements 7-30-23
CONGREGATIONAL VITALITY RECOMMENDATIONS: Are you interested in the topic of Church growth, and vitality? Are you concerned about the current trend of membership decline in the world wide church but don’t know what you can do here at JCPC to stem the tide and grow the church? This month we will be highlighting a few books on this crucial topic. We will have five book recommendations which can each be found at the PCUSA webstore or Amazon. Many of these books even have discussions topics and questions which would be perfect for a small group study, so grab a few friends and check out the books. Our second book recommendation is:Ten Essential Strategies for Becoming a Multiracial Congregation by Jacqueline J. Lewis And John Janka: How do churches build immunity from racial and ethnic tensions that threaten to divide rather than unite congregations?
Jacqui Lewis and John Janka believe that the answer lies in the development of multiracial, multicultural communities of faith. Born of the authors’ work with The Middle Project, an institute that prepares ethical leaders for a more just society, this book is a collection of wisdom and best practices. Here you will find lessons, questions for conversation, and spaces for journaling.
In welcoming communities of faith where everyone is accepted just as they are, we can lead the way toward racial reconciliation and dismantle the prejudices that segregate our houses of worship.
WORK DAY: Do you have a favorite hymn you would like us to sing in worship? Let us know using the insert and it just might be included in worship in the future.
ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES: We will be starting adult Sunday school in September. This year the CE Committee would like to try something new. We would like to offer several short classes taught by a variety of people. If you have ever thought about teaching a bible study but didn’t want to make a long term commitment this is for you. Choose a book, a study, or a topic you are interested in teaching and sign up using the insert in the bulletin or speak with Louise.
FAVORITE HYMN: Do you have a favorite hymn you would like us to sing in worship? Let us know using the insert and it just might be included in worship in the future.
BIRTHDAYS: Jeff Ferguson 7/31, Janet Capiton 8/2, Randall Antill 8/2
SAINTS and POTLUCKS: We are looking at scheduling Saints game potlucks for the noon games in Sept. and October. These events would be very easy with set-up and clean-up being done by those enjoying the game and taking place the day of the game. Those interested in participating would bring a dish to share and then head over to the fellowship hall after church to set up tables, chairs and potluck. After the game those involved would clean up. Louise can help set up activities for kids as well. We would love to find a sports enthusiast to head up these events. Please see Louise if you are interested.