Announcement 2-4-24
SOUPER BOWL OF CARING: This week we are collecting for the Super Bowl of caring. This money will go to our own food pantry. We have been blessed to serve many people in our community through our food pantry, gas cards, and grocery cards. Please consider giving generously to this wonderful mission.
PROGRAM OF HOPE: We will be making lunches and serving at Program of Hope in February. Please join us on February 6th, 12th, 20th and 27th at 2:45 PM to make sandwiches and assemble lunch bags. Then join us on Wednesdays in February at First Presbyterian Church to serve at Program of Hope. See Sue, Richard, or Sharon for more details.
BOOKS FOR BLACK HISTORY MONTH: As we enter black history month now is a great time to recommit ourselves to understanding and supporting the call for racial Justice and Healing.This month we will be recommending books that can help us on that journey. All book are available on the PCUSA store. No Innocent Bystanders: Becoming an Ally in the Struggle for Justice by Shannon Craigo-Snell and Christopher J. Doucot The struggle for justice is ongoing. In answering the biblical call to act justly and love mercifully, can Christians cross lines of privilege to walk humbly not only with God but with their marginalized neighbors as well? No Innocent Bystanders looks at the role of allies in social justice movements and asks what works, what doesn’t, and why. It explains what allies legitimately can accomplish, what they can’t, and what kind of humility and clarity is required to tell the difference.
This book is a start-up guide for spiritual or religious people who are interested in working for social justice but don’t know how or where to begin. Drawing on the lessons of history, the framework of Christian ideas, and the insights of contemporary activists, it offers practical guidance on how to meaningfully and mindfully advocate alongside all who struggle for a more just society.
CANTATA REHEARSALS: Join us Wednesday evenings at 7:00 PM starting February 7th (no rehearsal on Ash Wednesday). The Cantata will be on March 24th at the 10:30 Worship Service with a dress rehearsal on March 23rd. Music reading not required; learning tracks will be provided.
THANK YOU: The PW wishes to express their appreciation to the Session for all the hard work they do to keep the church running.
MONTHLY FOOD PANTRY DONATION: Each month we are asking you to Donate one or two items to the food pantry. This month we are asking for Dippers of all sizes (both adult and child), feminine products, tooth Brushes, tooth paste, soap, and hair products. If you prefer to donate a small amount of money just mark it for the food pantry and we will shop for you.