Announcements 2-18-24
PROGRAM OF HOPE: We will be making lunches and serving at Program of Hope in February. Please join us on February 20th and 27th at 2:45 PM to make sandwiches and assemble lunch bags. Then join us on Wednesdays in February at First Presbyterian Church to serve at Program of Hope. See Sue, Richard, or Sharon for more details.
SPECIAL THANKS: Thank you for the men’s clothing donations for Program of Hope. A special thanks to those who sorted, sized, put on hangers or folded and boxed the clothes: Sharon Fortin, Mary Antill, Amy Cardinale, Barbara Remmelts, Sue Crawford. Thank you to the sandwich makers: Mary Antill, Janet Capiton, Carolyn Calvin, Lorraine Hicks, and Sue Crawford. Thank you to those who worked at First Presbyterian Church for the Program of Hope:Rev. Aaron Ochart, Richard Britson, Sue Crawford, and three volunteers from Little Farms UCC.
BOOKS FOR BLACK HISTORY MONTH: As we enter black history month now is a great time to recommit ourselves to understanding and supporting the call for racial Justice and Healing.This month we will be recommending books that can help us on that journey. All book are available on the PCUSA store. Anchored in the Current: Discovering Howard Thurman as Educator, Activist, Guide, and Prophet by Gregory C. Ellison II Howard Thurman was famously known as one of the towering giants of American religion in the twentieth century. His writings have influenced some of the most important religious and political figures of the last century, from Martin Luther King to Barack Obama. Theologians such as James Cone and Cornel West regularly signal their indebtedness to him. He was a mystic, a preacher, an educator, a theologian, and much more. It is impossible to understand the African American church today without an appreciation for his contributions.
Anchored in the Current illuminates how Thurman’s life and wisdom lead these influential names on the ancient quest to connect with the Ultimate, all while discovering the contemporary need to seek racial justice and sharpening the minds and faith of those who come after us.
TABLE CLOTH DINNER: Join us for the next table cloth dinner on March 12th at 6:30 PM. More information to follow. Sign-up and let us know if you would like a ride
MONTHLY FOOD PANTRY DONATION: Each month we are asking you to Donate one or two items to the food pantry. This month we are asking for Dippers of all sizes (both adult and child), feminine products, tooth Brushes, tooth paste, soap, and hair products.
BIRTHDAYS: Barbara Rammelts 2/21, David Boan 2/22, Richard Bristson 2/24