announcements 11-05-23
Advent Devotionals: Even though it’s not even thanksgiving yet now is a great time to get your advent devotional ordered. Here is this week’s suggestion: Three Wise Women: 40 Devotions Celebrating Advent with Mary, Elizabeth and Anna By Dandi Daley Mackall.
You are invited to spend the 40 days of Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany in the company of Mary the mother of Jesus, Elizabeth the mother of John the Baptist, and Anna the prophetess at the temple in Jerusalem.
Anticipate, celebrate, and marvel at Jesus’ birth with Three Wise Women, a richly researched and faith-building new devotional by Dandi Daley Mackall. We don’t hear many details directly from these three women at the heart of the first Christmas, but Scripture, studies in biblical culture, and an open heart that asks “what if” allows readers to experience new revelations for the holy season that will encourage and strengthen you in becoming a wise woman of God.
As bestselling author Dandi Mackall reflects on the events and lives of these Three Wise Women, she encourages you to: Delve deeper into what these real-life women may have experienced. Ponder a new aspect of the journey toward Christ’s birth and beyond through the voices of Mary, Elizabeth, and Anna. Meditate on Old and New Testament Scriptures that speak to women’s hearts across generations and cultures. Grow closer to God through insightful devotional readings about Patience, Hope, Faith, Trust, Persistence, Sacrifice, Joy, Grace, Love, Confidence, and more. Reflect on your own life using the daily “Pondering Questions,” as you see the story of Jesus’ birth afresh through the eyes of faithful women. (If you would like to see all the recommendations for this month check out the new reading recommendations tab on our website.)
CHURCH AUCTION COMING UP!! We are planning an online only auction to raise money for the church and we need your donations. We are looking for good quality furniture, vintage items, gift baskets, gifts cards, and other high value items to auction off for the church. Look through your house and see what treasures you are willing to part with. Items need to have a minimum value of $25. Take up to four pictures, send them to Louise (via email) along with a detailed description and we will get it on the website ready for a buyer to find that special item. If your items have any scratches or defects please make sure to snap a picture of that and put it in the description. Items will not be brought to the church until the auction has closed and your items have been purchased. Have questions? Talk with Sue or Louise. Don’t have an item that’s okay. We will be sending the link for the auction and will need you to share it with all your friends, family, and social media outlets.
PLEDGE DRIVE: The Annual Pledge drive is this month. Be on the lookout for your pledge letter and card in the mail. Please send in your pledge card by November 5th, even if you are unable to pledge at this time. As of Friday we have $132,000 pledged. Turn in your pledge card today and help us get to our goal of $225,000.
ANGEL TREE: Every child deserves to experience the joy of Christmas morning. The Salvation Army Angel Tree program helps provide Christmas gifts for hundreds of thousands of children around the country each year. So grab a tag off the tree on Nov. 12th, shop for your child, and return gifts to the church by Dec. 3rd. You can do this on your own or team up with a friend. We even have elves willing to do the shopping for you if you prefer to make a monetary contribution instead of shopping. More information can be found on the tag and the attached information sheet, when you take one off the tree.
FOOD DRIVE: Thank you to all who participated in the Fall Food Drive. Twenty boxes of food were delivered to Jefferson Presbyterian Food Bank. These items will be distributed to over a hundred families who participate in their food program. This food bank is a USDA approved food distribution site which is open on the first and third Saturdays of each month. Our donation was much appreciated by the church.
HELPING HANDS: We could use a few hands to help get down the Christmas decorations and set up the Christmas tree on Nov. 19th after the church service.
PLAYSCHOOL HAPPENING AND FUNDRAISERS: See the bulletin board for more information on any of the items bellow.
- Coat drive Nov. 2nd – 17th Drop coats of outside the playschool office
- Kendra Scott fundraiser Nov. 8th and 9th. Shop online and in-store and 20% of your purchase will benefit the playschool. Use code GIVEBACK-EXYTR online or mention it at checkout in-store.
- Nov. 29th Reginelli’s fundraiser. Eat at Reginelli’s between 11:00 am – 9:00 PM and they will donate 10% of your order when you mention the playschool.
11/6 – 9:00 AM – Bible Time with 3’s in their classrooms
1:00 PM – Staff Meeting
6:30 PM Christian Education Meeting
11/7 – 9:15 AM – Bible Time for PK 5 and TK in Sanctuary
11/8 – 6:00 PM – Worship Committee Meeting
7:00 PM – Christmas Cantata Rehearsal
11/9 – 10:00 AM – Game Day
11/12 – 9:15 AM – Adult Bible Study, Fellowship time for youth and kids
10:30 AM – Worship