The Church Office Assistant position
Assistant to pastoral leadership, and
General office administrative duties
4201 Transcontinental Drive
Metairie, Louisiana 70006
Position Title: Church Office Assistant
Position Description:
The Church Office Assistant on a part-time basis will perform receptionist duties, serve as an assistant to pastoral leadership, and perform general office administrative duties. This position will also interact with Church members and various volunteer committees of the Church. A flexible 20-hour work week is applicable during the normal business hours of the Church (Monday through Thursday from 8:30am to 4:00pm and Friday from 8:30am to noon). The position includes 12 paid holidays, 10-days of vacation, and 5-days of sick leave.
Position Responsibilities:
Receptionist Duties
- · Act as a receptionist to people coming into the Church office, calling by telephone or receipt by email.
- · Greet people who come into the Church office, giving them the appropriate help as necessary, or referring them to the person most able to help them.
- · Maintain confidentiality.
Assistant to Pastoral Leadership (e.g. pulpit supply, temporary/interim pastor, and/or called and installed pastor)
- · In partnership with the Pastoral leadership, coordinate and prepare the Sunday Church Service bulletin and worship slides.
- · Track and publish announcements in the Sunday Church Service bulletin.
- · In conjunction with input from the Deacons and Church volunteers, maintain a list of all known pastoral concerns that need attention from the Pastoral Leadership and/or the Deacons. Include all known new hospital admittances, illnesses, deaths, new births and other information of a pastoral nature in a memo form.
General Office Administrative Duties
- · Receive and distribute all incoming mail and email (including bills for the financial staff).
- · Maintain a schedule of events for all church activities.
- · Receive and keep reports of outreach group payments.
- · Maintain address information for Church membership, visitors and concerned parties.
- · Maintain food pantry assistance program in conjunction with the Outreach Committee.
- · Maintain all office equipment and supplies.
- General Office Administrative Duties (continued)
- · Manage Custodian requests (order cleaning supplies & validate receipt of ordered supplies and raise awareness on any concerns with the cleaning service).
- · Interface with maintenance service call-out representatives for the Church, Church office, and outreach rooms (i.e. greet and escort to site of maintenance, receive invoicing, and communicate with the Facilities Committee).
- · Order yearly inspections for Facilities (Fire, plumbing, elevators).
- · Order Church flower arrangements weekly as needed.
Position Requirements:
- · Microsoft Office Suite/Publisher using the Windows operating system.
- · Google Workspace (formerly known as Google Suite; Gmail, Google Chrome, Google Calendar, Google Drive, Google Meet, etc.)
- · Accounting/bookkeeping experience is desirable.
- · Excellent time management skills and able to multi-task, prioritize, and effectively execute tasks.
- · Excellent written and verbal communication skills.
- · Communicates respectfully and establishes professional relationships through active listening and demonstration of empathy & positive regard.
If interested in the position, mail your resume to the church office or via email to rpisham@gmail.com. Any questions regarding this position can also be directed to the email address provided.