Announcements 4-7-24
MONTHLY FOOD PANTRY DONATION: Each month we are asking you to Donate one or two items to the food pantry. This month we are asking for canned fruit, fruit snacks, and applesauce.
Creation Care Reading Recommendations: Making Peace with the Land: God’s Call to Reconcile with Creation (Resources for Reconciliation) God is reconciling all things in heaven and on earth. We are alienated not only from one another but also from the land that sustains us. Our ecosystems are increasingly damaged, and human bodies are likewise degraded. Most of us have little understanding of how our energy is derived or our food is produced, and many of our current industrialized practices are both unhealthy for our bodies and unsustainable for the planet. Agriculturalist Fred Bahnson and theologian Norman Wirzba declare that in Christ, God reconciles all bodies into a peaceful, life-promoting relationship with one another. Because human beings are incarnated in material, bodily existence, we are necessarily interdependent with plants and animals, land and sea, heaven and earth. The good news is that redemption is cosmic, with implications for agriculture and ecology, from farm to dinner table. Bahnson and Wirzba describe communities that model cooperative practices of relational life, with local food production, eucharistic eating, and delight in God’s provision. Reconciling with the land is a rich framework for a new way of life. Read this book to start down the path to restoring shalom and experiencing Jesus’ kingdom of shared abundance, where neighbors are fed and all receive enough.
ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL: Join us for adult Sunday School, from 9:15 AM – 10:15 AM in the church library, as we continue our faith journey and share the importance of God in our daily lives. In our current six-session study, we are talking about our relationship with God, the importance of prayer, how prayer matters, and how we can use prayer to discern God’s will.
4/8 – 10:00 AM – Staff Meeting
12:15 PM – Playschool Committee Meeting
6:30 PM – Outreach Committee Meeting
4/11 – 10:00 AM – Game Day
4/14 – 9:15 AM – Adult Sunday School
10:15 AM – Choir Warm-up
10:30 AM – Worship Service – Bible Builds during Children’s Church
11:45 AM – Choir Practice
6:30 PM – Christian Education Committee Meeting