Announcements 12-3-23
John Calvin Presbyterian Church
-Prayer List-
December 3
- Family and friends of Rose Klimick, friend of the Ocharts
- Mark and Nadica Hillman, a former supervisor of Bill B, who were in a serious auto accident. Mark’s father is doing poorly.
- Elizabeth Campbell, daughter of Bill B’s friend, recently lost her husband and is taking care of her four children and estate processes.
- Anita and family, part of Ashley Marler’s extended family, who was in a car accident and is in ICU. Also for her daughter, son in law, and their children.
- For Tristen and her family, friends of Ashley Marler still trying to restore home after Ida.
November 26th
- An unspoken request.
- Provision and guidance as the Mayfields fix up their new home, (also prayers for a lawn mower)
- The nephew of Mr. Ed, having health issues
November 19th
- Juanita Dugas, recovering from eye surgery
- Loretta and Bob Roth, friends of Emily Garland. Loretta is battling brain cancer and Bob was rushed to the hospital yesterday morning and is in CCU diagnosed with stage 2 Sepsis.
- Gale Sparazza and her family, friends of the Ocharts.
November 12th
- Matt and Jenny, friends of the Ocharts
- Ann O’Hara, grandmother of Kelly Cuppett, has just been diagnosed with leukemia.
- Roger Harper, a Friend of Linda Lowry, who is struggling with pneumonia.
- Family and friends of Linda Nakamoto, a friend of Palermos, who passed away. Their sons have been friends since elementary school.
November 5th
- The 2024 Pledge Campaign “Saved to Serve”
- Ryland Smith (20-month-old) recovering from RSV, and family.
- Curtis, son of Ernie and Dennis, is having shoulder surgery on November 7th.
CONTINUING PRAYERS FOR THOSE STRUGGLING WITH HEALTH ISSUES: Zoe Gurdy, Teddy Brock, Ernest and Patricia Ellis, Neil Freudenthal, Buddy Haw, Tony Hill, Tom Moore, Wayne Tracy, Bob Wooderson, David Russo, and others struggling with health issues.
CHURCH AUCTION!! Our Church Auction is live. Here is the link: https://www.32auctions.com/JCPChurch You all have donated so many wonderful items. Now we need people to buy them. Don’t forget to share the link or use the flyers we have provided to invite your friends and family. On Facebook go to John Calvin Presbyterian Church’s Facebook page and share the Auction post to your feed. Also don’t forget we also need volunteers to staff our drop-off days and times and pick-up days and times. So if you have available on the 15th or 16th of Dec. please talk with Sue.
ALL CHURCH GATHERING OPPORTUNITY: Do you want to see a full solar eclipse and fellowship with your church members and other Presbyterians at the same time? We have a great opportunity to join Presbyterians from all over the country in Little Rock AR for an Intergenerational Creation Care Event culminating with the total solar eclipse at Ferncliff Camp and Conference Center. Please see the insert for more information. You can register with this link https://bit.ly/creationcareevent2024. We are asking everyone to register on their own, so you can select the accommodations that best suit your family. Then let us know that you will be attending. We hope that families and individuals of all ages will join together for this wonderful all-church event.
DEVOTIONALS FOR THE NEW YEAR: Start the new year off right, now is a great time to order your devotional for 2024. Here is this week’s suggestion: The Upper Room Disciplines 2024: A Book of Daily Devotions. Based on the Revised Common Lectionary, a three-year cycle of Sunday scripture readings, Disciplines features: a focal scripture passage for each day, short daily meditations from 53 thought leaders from diverse Christian traditions, a reflection or prayer to carry with you each day, weekly scripture overviews, an index of scripture readings, and a guide to daily prayer.
POINSETTIAS: Please fill out the form in the bulletin and place it in the offering plate by December 10th.
CHRISTMAS CANTATA: Mark your calendar for Dec. 10th to join us for the Annual Christmas Cantata and the Luncheon to follow.
Year to Date Finances, as of October 2023 Revenues: $320,684.89 Expenses: $382,453.86 ($61,768.97) |
BIRTHDAYS: Maggie Walker 12/9,